A downloadable game

That wingless dragon in the old mine eats a few sheep every Spring and Fall. It’s scary, but the town quickly learned  how to stay safe from it. Then these spider creatures appeared and made things so much worse.

Lightning in the Old Mine is a 6th-level mini-adventure for Shadowdark RPG. It is meant to be played by 3-5 adventurers and expected to last between 3-4 hours.

An abandoned mine is now the lair of an adult behir in the slumbering portion of their gorge/ sleep cycle. The large reptile tolerates warrens of ettercaps in the same space, because they make a good snack, but is unaware they are drawn to a magic item in it’s own horde.

The dungeon is designed to fit on popular 26x23 inch battlemats. Player-facing maps, with and without grids, are included as screenshots if you prefer to use a virtual tabletop.

Original thumbnail photo by Michel Meuleman


shadowdark_adventure_lightning-old-mine.pdf 972 kB


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(1 edit)

I like that a magic item is key to the entire scenario.  If my players ever make it to 6th level (which, knowing them, I doubt lol) I'll be running this.  Thanks for posting!

Thanks for the kind words. I hope your players surprise you and make it well past 6th level, or at least make you laugh along the way.